Eye creams 

    Nourish the delicate skin around your eyes with under eye creams, eyelash serums and more.


    See the world with new eyes      

    Everyone wants beautiful, wrinkle-free eyes that sparkle and shine. Caring for your eyes and the skin around it is not easy, but the rewards are limitless - a youthful appearance and brighter eyes, to start with. 

    The skin around the eyes is thinner and more delicate than the rest of the face, needing much more love and attention. It is prone to premature lines and wrinkles, dark circles and much more. Fortunately, leading brands like The Ordinary and K-beauty brands at Luminescent have a variety of eye creams that will help you care for the skin under your eyes, as well as your lashes and brows.   

    It is never too early to start caring for the skin under your eyes. Since the area has fewer oil glands, it produces less natural oils. Which means you need additional hydration and nourishment - more than a regular cream can give you. Good eye wrinkle creams have hydrating and nourishing ingredients which are  milder, less irritating or reactive, but are still effective, such as retinol or hyaluronic acid. 

    If your under eye area is prone to puffiness, try an eye bag cream with caffeine. Retinol based creams also work well since they make the skin look firmer. Puffiness is usually caused by fluid retention or buildup in the tissues around your eyes. This can be caused by dehydration, excess salt intake, allergies and lifestyle factors. Even if you fix your sleep cycle you may still be prone to bags and puffiness, so a little extra help in the form of the right eye cream is always welcome! 

    Dark circles are caused by similar factors such as lifestyle and dehydration, but genetics also play an important role. The best eye creams for dark circles usually have ingredients such as caffeine and vitamin K, so keep an eye out for these.

    Finally, don’t forget your lashes and eyebrows. Everyone loves full, thick lashes but did you know that it is possible to achieve this without putting on false eyelashes? Regular use of brow and eyelash serum will enhance the appearance of your lashes and brows. The best eyelash serums are enriched with peptides, natural extracts and other ingredients to promote growth. Buy the best eye creams and eyelash serums in Saudi Arabia at Luminescent today!

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    Our Brands

    Heimish - Luminescent
    The Ordinary - Luminescent
    CosRx - Luminescent
    Dr.Jart+ - Luminescent
    Kaine - Luminescent
    Some By Mi - Luminescent

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